A Tale of a Mardi Gras Mermaid

A Tale of a Mardi Gras Mermaid

On an ordinary Tuesday morning in February, while the rest of the country rose to the chill of winter and the call of work, the entire city of New Orleans shut down. Every school cancleed classes, businesses closed their doors and the postman delivered no mail.

There was one reason for this sudden cease of activity: Mardi Gras.

To mortals this day comes the moment before lent - a wanton celebration before the stoic practice of fasting.

To mermaids this is the day when the mighty merclan claws their way from the depths of the briny Mississippi River to bless the mortals for another year safe from the flood waters of the sea!

Here is the journey of the merclan through the crescent city with the Krewe of Saint Anne, a wild bunch of costumed mortals. Each year  we cannot help but think how strange this thing called land! How heavy one feels when slinking across such a hard surface with gravity tethering you down!

While the ocean is much better suited for the wanderings of merfolk, here is the tale of how the merclan manages a Mardi Gras on land.

We woke up early and dressed our skin to match the hue of the New Orleans jungle.

mermaid merman costume
mermaid merman costume

We climbed from the sea, clinging to a canoe manned by our mortal friends.

Our mode of propulsion was a double bike, since fins have difficulty working properly on land. The crowds were thronging on all sides, pressing for a moment with the merclan.

bicycle built for two

There we met the merfamily looking odd with legs...

mermaid family

...and a crop of humans preparing for a sea journey with only intertubes. Worry not, the merman discretely advised this one that a tail would be much better for the cause!


This crew of sea creatures would indeed be a tasty snack, but as protectors of the sea and all that dwells therein, we did them no harm.

sea creatures
sea creatures

As the morning wore on, we engaged in a stately mer-procession, with a band of brass heralding our arrival.

new orleans second line
new orleans second line

We stopped by a pool to wet our tails, but were warned of a strange substance called chlorine that would do our salty tails no good.

mermaid pool
mermaid pool

Finally! To the river! Our friend fog came to moisten our chapped mer-skin...

merman fog
merman fog

...in time for a mer kiss.

mermaid kiss
mermaid kiss

Humans gathered upon the river’s banks...

mardi gras mississippi river
mardi gras mississippi river

...and then then the ceremony commenced: ashes of all who had died in the Krewe of Saint Anne the year before were sprinkled into the sea for safe keeping by the merclan.

krewe of saint anne
krewe of saint anne

Worry not ye mortals! The crescent city shall indeed prosper for another year, and we will keep watch over all that abides in this fair city.

meraid clan
meraid clan